Fitness Health and Wellness

Fitness Health and Wellness

How to Work Out in the Hot Tub – Water Exercises and Supplies

Here are some tips to learn how to work out in the hot tub. We include water exercises, aquatic weights, supplies and work out gear for water exercises. Hot tub workout supplies to have on hand before you start your workout Here are a few workout items to have on hand to keep you from …

How to Work Out in the Hot Tub – Water Exercises and Supplies Read More »

What Are The Benefits of Soaking In a Hot Tub Before or After Exercise for Sore Muscles?

Benefits of Soaking In a Hot Tub Before or After Exercise Like a soothing regeneration, a hot tub can help to bring your body from stiff and overloaded to limber and rejuvenated. Heat therapy helps increase your blood flow, stimulates healing, and relaxes the muscles. In fact, you can benefit from soaking in the hot …

What Are The Benefits of Soaking In a Hot Tub Before or After Exercise for Sore Muscles? Read More »

Night Time Spa Use Helps You Sleep

Do you toss and turn throughout the night? Do you wake up feeling groggy or fatigued rather than feeling rejuvenated? If the answer is “Yes” to either of these questions then you may not be allowing your body enough down time or relaxation time before going to bed.

The Benefits of Hot Tub Yoga in Cold Weather

As the weather gets colder during the fall and winter months, it can really take a toll on our bodies. Many people may experience stiff and aching joints that can lead to a more sedentary and less active lifestyle. The lack of physical activity and this lifestyle can add to the negative effects that the cold has on our bodies. A hot tub can help rescue your body!